Project Description

Music makes motion, moves like a maze

Date: 2017
Location: Washington, D.C.
Commissioning Agent: Human Rights Campaign
Medium: Flagging tape, wood, hardware
Size: 6.92 x 7.27 x 3.42 feet / 2.11 x 2.22 x 1.04 meters

“Music makes motion, moves like a maze” is a visual representation of LGBTQ Pride commissioned by the Human Rights Campaign for their permanent collection along with “United we stand” and the ephemeral memorial, “49”.

The project to bring site-specific artworks to HRC for Pride and the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub attack was spearheaded by Cassidy Karakorn, Director of Consumer Marketing at HRC.  Over her 17-year career at the Human Rights Campaign, Cassidy tirelessly championed civil rights for the LGBTQ community.

This artwork has since been post-humously dedicated to Cassidy Karakorn’s memory. We will miss her energy, spirit, and joie de vivre as well as her dedication to LGBTQ rights. Rest in peace.