Project Description

All these points connecting one
Date: 2007
Location: Homeland Security Dock, San Pedro, California
Commissioning Agent: Angels Gate Cultural Center and the City of San Pedro
Medium: Flagging tape, wood, paint, hardware, shipping container, florescent lights
Size: 8 x 8 x 17 feet / 2.44 x 2.44 x 5.18 meters

I was given a shipping container and asked to make a work of art that could transition from daytime to nighttime. I created a glowing beacon of color that was visible from miles away by retrofitting the shipping container with a series of apertures that grow smaller as they recede into the seventeen-foot long depth. The shipping container referenced the usage of the Port of Los Angeles to transport freight overseas and my design referenced the worldwide shipping routes between ports.

Watch a time-lapse video of the creation of this artwork below

“All of these points connecting one”, ©2007 from Megan Geckler on Vimeo.